OceanUQ began as a Working Group of the US Climate Variability and Predictability Program (US CLIVAR), a national research program with a mission to foster understanding and prediction of climate variability and change. The OceanUQ Working Group directly addresses a major goal of US CLIVAR: to better quantify uncertainty in the observations, simulations, predictions, and projections of climate variability and change. This includes understanding and quantifying error sources, contributions to uncertainty from unresolved processes, and uncertainty in regional and downscaled predictions. Established in 2020, the OceanUQ effort will undertake actionable tasks over the next three years.
OceanUQ has been developed with federal support of NASA (80NSSC17M0007), NOAA (NA11OAR4310213), NSF (AGS-1502208), and DOE (DE-SC0016332). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring agencies.