About OceanUQ
Who We Are
Ocean Uncertainty Quantification (OceanUQ) began as a Working Group of the US Climate Variability and Predictability Program (US CLIVAR), a national research program with a mission to foster understanding and prediction of climate variability and change. Momentum among oceanographic communities for activities supporting improved quantification and communication of uncertainties previously existed. This working group capitalized on the outcomes and action items from previous activities on UQ and provided coordination, progress, and concrete milestones for this topic. Specifically, the OceanUQ Working Group explored how UQ and its associated concepts could be systematically incorporated into oceanographic research, including but not limited to:
- Training of current and future scientists,
- Observing systems and process studies designs,
- Data workflow, modeling, and data assimilation.
A notable point of focus was to assess how both observationalists and modelers describe uncertainty in their products, and how they could adopt consistent strategies and terminology in order to facilitate the exchange and use of data between their respective communities.
In 2022, the working group published an article in Eos titled Overcoming the Challenges of Ocean Data Uncertainty. The article explores the uncertainty in ocean data and emphasizes the need for better quantification and clear communication of that uncertainty.
The OceanUQ effort concluded in 2024 with the successful organization of an engaging summer school. The summer school equipped the next-generation of physical oceanographers, climate scientists, and data scientists with best practices for improving the undertaking, derivation, and utilization of the uncertainties of ocean data.
Our Goals
The OceanUQ Working Group had the following objectives:
- To develop a community-driven web platform for Ocean UQ knowledge and strategies (this site!)
- To produce peer-reviewed open-access articles on UQ for observational and model ocean data
- To organize a summer school on Ocean UQ